Energy (Q) and power (P) are related by Q = Pt. This means the longer (t) you turn on a heater, the more heat (Q) it will produce. And the higher the power (P) is, the more heat (Q) it will produce.

Two identical, closed boxes each have a round heater at the center, with the power output as labeled. Instructions: 1) Run the model and turn the graph on to monitor the temperatures; 2) Use the buttons at the upper-right corner of the graph window to rescale the curves if necessary; 3) Calculate the ratio of the temperatures measured by the two thermometers in the two boxes and compare it with the ratio of the heating powers.

Graph Grid Isotherm Heat flux

Power of heater 1
0 W/m3     
     1000 W/m3

Power of heater 2
0 W/m3     
     1000 W/m3

Right-click to download this model

Developed by Charles Xie. © 2010- The Concord Consortium.